- How To: Save Money Shopping for GroceriesFood is expensive. It’s as simple as that. Now consider that you have to feed every member of your family three meals a day plus snacks and drinks; I know you already see why it’s… Read more: How To: Save Money Shopping for Groceries
- C-Section Recovery Must-HavesDid you know more than 30% of babies born in the United States are born via cesarean section? That is an amazing statistic given that most moms would not choose a c-section as their desired… Read more: C-Section Recovery Must-Haves
- 16 Indoor Easter Activities for Families & KidsThis Easter is going to be unlike any we have celebrated before because it’s 2020 and we are living in a time unlike any other. Most of us across the United States are quarantined in… Read more: 16 Indoor Easter Activities for Families & Kids
- Free Alternatives to Hiring a BabysitterHave you ever cringed when going to pay the babysitter? I love date nights and I enjoy occasional time away from my kiddo – but I really, really hate the cost of childcare! Let’s look… Read more: Free Alternatives to Hiring a Babysitter
- The Best Toddler Toys Your Two-Year-Old Will LoveIf you’re like me, you always want to find the perfect gift to give someone. But it can be difficult to know what to buy, especially toys for two-year-olds who seem to have every one… Read more: The Best Toddler Toys Your Two-Year-Old Will Love
- Why You Will Love Amazon Baby RegistryI’m not going to waste your time by sharing all the many companies you can use for your baby registry. Because really – Amazon Baby Registry has it all. You could go through the hassle… Read more: Why You Will Love Amazon Baby Registry
- The Ultimate Summer Bucket ListLet’s face it – life will not be going back to normal after the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. As much as we may want to hug each one of our friends and let all our… Read more: The Ultimate Summer Bucket List
- My Journey to Becoming a Stay-At-Home MomIs there anything more life-changing than the birth of your child? One day, I was focused on myself, my husband, and my career. After all, I was 25 years old and living what I thought… Read more: My Journey to Becoming a Stay-At-Home Mom
- 15 Best Games for ZoomJump on the bandwagon! We’re all stuck at home, but that’s no reason not to stay connected with our friends and families. Have a little fun playing these games on Zoom or any other videoconference… Read more: 15 Best Games for Zoom
- Family Finances: Free, Editable Budgeting SpreadsheetDo you want to increase your savings? Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you want to lower some of your expenses? Have you always struggled setting a budget for yourself? Answering yes to any… Read more: Family Finances: Free, Editable Budgeting Spreadsheet
- 14 Fun & Free At-Home Indoor Activities for Kids“Go outside and play!” It’s every parent’s dream – the kids get some fresh air, you have a little time to yourself, and everyone is happy. Sometimes though, it’s not possible to send the kids… Read more: 14 Fun & Free At-Home Indoor Activities for Kids
- Hospital Bag Checklist: Mom, Dad, and BabyYou are in the home stretch! It is your third-trimester, and you are ready to meet your little bundle of joy! To prepare for the big day, you’ll want to have a few essentials (plus… Read more: Hospital Bag Checklist: Mom, Dad, and Baby
- 10 Budget-Friendly Gift Experiences for KidsEnjoy giving your child the gift of experiences, because we all have too much stuff! It must be in our parent DNA to want to give our children every single thing they could possibly ever… Read more: 10 Budget-Friendly Gift Experiences for Kids
- File Your Taxes for FREE with Credit Karma TaxWho wants to pay for something that you can get for free? I sure don’t. I’ve paid to have my taxes done in the past, but this year I was determined to find a completely… Read more: File Your Taxes for FREE with Credit Karma Tax
- Making Homemade Baby Food: A How-To GuideIf you are anything like me, baby food was on your distant radar, but you knew you had 4-6 months to figure it out. Well, fast forward a quick few months, and all of a… Read more: Making Homemade Baby Food: A How-To Guide
- Mom’s Picks: 14 Must-Have Baby Registry ItemsIt’s true what they say – you need very little for a baby. You really only need diapers and breastmilk or formula. However, wonderful products exist to make our lives easier as parents, and you… Read more: Mom’s Picks: 14 Must-Have Baby Registry Items
- The Ultimate Diaper Bag ChecklistYou only have to be unprepared once to know the true value of a well-stocked diaper bag. From essentials to extras that will simply just make your life easier, this ultimate diaper bag checklist will provide you and baby with what you need, when you need it!
- About MeWelcome! Hi, I’m Kaitlin, and I live in Pennsylvania with my wonderful husband and sweet baby boy. My husband and I went to high school together, and we love our hometown so much that we… Read more: About Me